The Blog

Make your style sparkle with help from the helpful information, latest trends and industry secrets in our blog.

Trends Carly McGill Trends Carly McGill

Refresh Your Wardrobe & Accessories This Spring

Spring has finally arrived! After a long, cold season, it’s finally time to trade in our boots, coats and gloves for strappy sandals, short sleeves and beach gear! With the change of season comes new trends and the ever-lasting desire to update our closets. From your wardrobe to jewellery collection, we walk you through the must-have pieces for spring of 2023 and beyond!

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Trends Carly McGill Trends Carly McGill

Expect to See These Jewellery Trends in 2023

As specialists within the fashion and jewellery industry, we are always excited to learn about the latest trends. With the start of a new year, comes opportunity for a wide range of style and trend expectations - especially for jewellery!

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